Install wamp from (I installed to c:\wamp)
Install subversion
Edit environment path to include c:\svn\bin
Create a repository directory with mkdir c:\Repository
Create a repository with svnadmin.exe create C:\Repository
copy c:\svn\bin\ to C:\wamp\Apache2\modules
copy c:\svn\bin\ to C:\wamp\Apache2\modules
copy c:\svn\bin\intl3_svn.dll to C:\wamp\Apache2\bin
copy c:\svn\bin\libdb44.dll to C:\wamp\Apache2\bin
edit C:\wamp\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf and find and uncomment the following two lines:
LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
Add these two lines directly below the above two:
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/
At the very end of the file add:
DAV svn
SVNPath “C:\Repository”
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Subversion Repository”
AuthUserFile passwd
Require valid-user
Configure Apache Password File:
C:\wamp\Apache2\bin\htpasswd.exe -c C:\wamp\Apache2\passwd admin
This will prompt for a password.
Restart Apache
Test with svn list http://localhost/svn
I encountered some problems with your instructions:
1) I'm doing this 10 days after your post and my WAMP installation is different than yours (I installed WAMP within the last 2 weeks so I'm surprised it's that different). For me, Apache lives here: "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8". This in itself isn't that much of a problem, just thought I'd add it for its possible relevance to the other problems.
2) In the line
AuthUserFile passwd
it is not clear how that points to the correct path (which you suggest as C:\wamp\Apache2\passwd). I changed it to a full path.
3) I got an error on this line
AuthName “Subversion Repository”
stating that "AuthName" takes only 1 argument. I removed the space and it worked.
4) On the line
I got an error when there were quotes around the path, when removed it worked.
5) Your post is missing the
HTML tags around the location lines:
<Location /svn>
DAV svn
Require valid-user
Presumably, you entered it but didn't encode it so it would show up correctly.
6) "loclhost" is incorrect.
7) I'm getting an error when I test:
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn': 403 Forbidden (http://localhost)
I'm not sure what this is about, still working on it.
This is my first serious exploration into using Apache for anything constructive so I'm still unfamiliar with much of it's behavior and configuration.
I am getting errors with your help ..... help me admin .......
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